
C++ Keywords: typedef


In C++, the typedef keyword allows you to create an alias for a data type. The formula to follow is:

typedef [attributes] DataType AliasName;

The typedef keyword is required. The attribute is not.

typedef short SmallNumber;
typedef unsigned int Positive;
typedef double* PDouble;
typedef string FiveStrings[5];

1. In typedef short SmallNumber, SmallNumber can now be used as a data type to declare a variable for a small integer.
2. In the second example, typedef unsigned int Positive, The Positive word can then be used to declare a variable of an unsigned int type.
3. After typedef double* PDouble, the word PDouble can be used to declare a pointer to double.
4. By defining typedef string FiveStrings[5], FiveStrings can be used to declare an array of 5 strings with each string being of type string.

SmallNumber temperature = -248;
Positive height = 1048;
PDouble distance = new double(390.82);
FiveStrings countries = { "Ghana", "Angola", "To“,"Tunisia", "Cote d'Ivoire" };

typedef char* PSTR, CHAR;
typedef char *PSTR, CHAR; 或者 typedef char CHAR, *PSTR;

(2) 定义函数类型别名

The typedef keyword can also be used to define an alias for a function. In this case, you must specify the return type of the function and its type(s) of argument(s), if any. Another rule is that the definition must specify that it is a function pointer。

typedef double (*Addition)(double value1, double value2);
double Add(double x, double y)
       double result = x + y;
        return result;

Addition plus;
plus = Add;
plus(3855.06, 74.88);


The following example provides the type DRAWF for a function returning no value and taking two int arguments:

 typedef void DRAWF( int, int );

After the above typedef statement, the declaration

 DRAWF box; 

would be equivalent to the declaration

 void box( int, int );


More generally, after the word “typedef”, the syntax looks exactly like what you would do to declare a variable of the existing type with the variable name of the new type name. Therefore, for more complicated types, the new type name might be in the middle of the syntax for the existing type. For example:

    typedef char (*pa)[3]; // "pa" is now a type for a pointer to an array of 3 chars
    typedef int (*pf)(float); // "pf" is now a type for a pointer to a function which takes 1 float argument and returns an int



long MakeFun(long lFun);

动态库生成的时候采用的函数调用约定是__stdcall,所以编译生成的a.dll中函数MakeFun的调用约定是_stdcall,也就是函数调用时参数从右向左入栈,函数返回时自己还原堆栈。现在某个程序模块b要引用a中的MakeFun,b和a一样使用 C++方式编译,只是b模块的函数调用方式是__cdecl,由于b包含了a提供的头文件中MakeFun函数声明,所以MakeFun在b模块中被其它调用MakeFun的函数认为是__cdecl调用方式,b模块中的这些函数在调用完MakeFun当然要帮着恢复堆栈啦,可是MakeFun已经在结束时自己恢复了堆栈,b模块中的函数这样多此一举就引起了栈指针错误,从而引发堆栈异常。宏观上的现象就是函数调用没有问题(因为参数传递顺序是一样的),MakeFun也完成了自己的功能,只是函数返回后引发错误。解决的方法也很简单,只要保证两个模块的在编译时设置相同的函数调用约定就行了。


error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ?MakeFun@@YGJJ@Z


#ifdef _cplusplus
extern "C" {

long MakeFun(long lFun);

#ifdef _cplusplus


许多人不明白,为什么我使用的编译器都是VC的编译器还会产生“error LNK2001”错误?其实,VC的编译器会根据源文件的扩展名选择编译方式,如果文件的扩展名是“.C”,编译器会采用C的语法编译,如果扩展名是 “.cpp”,编译器会使用C++的语法编译程序,所以,最好的方法就是使用extern "C"。

大家会注意到,像gcc之类的编译器也是采用__cdecl方式,这样对于printf(“%d %d“,i++,i++)之类的输出结果的疑问就迎刃而解了。


Solution of fatal error RC1004: unexpected end of file found

After you modified your reource.h, you may got this error:

fatal error RC1004: unexpected end of file found.

It's a bug of the resource compiler.

The solution is adding a blank line or two to the end of the file  and build again.